Assalamu Alaykum. I'm writing this post from a blank slate. It's been a long while since my purposeful blogpost, and yes, I do miss it. I miss writing down my thoughts. I miss interacting with my readers (if ever they do exist). I miss reading my old posts and ponder upon my seemingly-deep-but-not-really thoughts from the past. I miss writing. When and why did I stop? Was it the "busy-ness" of being a doctor? Not really. Was it the ever-dwindling self confidence I have? Maybe. I still don't know if my words would reach anyone's heart and change the world (No! I never really thought they would). I have a lot in my mind. At this point in time, in my 30 years of existence... I have known what I am really good at: Making plans... and never actually get to finish any of it! haha! But really, I wanna go back... I want to go back to writing my thoughts on an empty slate and just let the inks dry and fate decide what will come out of it. Eve