A tour Around Jolo, Sulu

  Assalamu Alaykum! (Peace be with you!) I just realized... I haven't talked much about my videos about Sulu in this blog. I have a playlist which you can watch if you are interested in seeing (or maybe visiting?) my dear homeplace.  Just check it out here: JOLO, SULU PLAYLIST You can watch this instead:      Yup, that is all for today.   PS. I am mulling over the idea of transferring my blog from blogspot to wordpress...  hmmmmmm    

365 days

At age four, my mother enrolled me in a nearby kindergarten in our small village in Sulu where I was born. I can already read and count by that time. And I was a happy, excited, little chap.

I was not accepted by the school. I was one-year old short. To comfort me, they told me there were no more 'kiddy chairs' left; and I have to wait for next year.

I cried all the way back home, with my mother dragging me. Why do I have to wait for 365 days just because we don't have enough seats! but what choice do I have? And the 365 days went by so fast.

After that year, I entered Kindergarten...
Six years in primary School...
Another four years in High School...
And finally, finished my four years in college...
And here I am today, bracing myself for a higher and more challenging stage I am about to take; my long-term dream: Med.School.

Yet NO. No, not now. Not today. It is just yet to come. I have to wait... For another 365 days; for another one, long year.

But this time, it is not because I was too young to enroll; not that there are no more chairs in Med.School (Hell if it were!); not that I failed in any of my exams... It was more of a DECISION, perhaps my FATE--brought about by a number of circumstances I do not have any control of--to wait for another year.

Many people might have thought that I am only wasting one year for nothing. But I have to prove them wrong. Well, I will let them appear before me this very same day next year; and see for ourselves what I have become by then. Insha'Allah, I will make use most of this one long period of time to the best I can, as Allah may allow me. For me to be prepared--intellectually, emotionally, and financially.

I believe this would be the best thing for me, and for my family.

I will not hesitate and wait for another year.
This time I will not be the little chap, crying all his way back home.
This time I will walk with dignity and confidence.
This time I will be more ready for tomorrow.


Sharing some photos with my beloved mother throught the years... :-)

"Aaah, eto pala ang medal..."
Yup! That's me during our graduation in kindergarten.
And that was my very first medal, can't remember for what award..

This one taken during the High School Graduation of my Brother, Harun

And then again, my very last graduation in college. (and my last medal yet)


Kai Darul said…
alhamdulillah ahmad. :) you certainly would do great things. sometimes, you just have to wait for the best to arrive.

i hope you the best for your endeavors within this year. and i hope more blessing for you next year. :)

make us proud. AGAIN. :)

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