A tour Around Jolo, Sulu

  Assalamu Alaykum! (Peace be with you!) I just realized... I haven't talked much about my videos about Sulu in this blog. I have a playlist which you can watch if you are interested in seeing (or maybe visiting?) my dear homeplace.  Just check it out here: JOLO, SULU PLAYLIST You can watch this instead:      Yup, that is all for today.   PS. I am mulling over the idea of transferring my blog from blogspot to wordpress...  hmmmmmm    

LIMS: Attend your Classes!

]Helpful for: All LUs/Year levels]

Assalamu Alaykum! (Greetings of Peace!)

Being a medstudent means attending to seemingly endless classes: from boring lectures to eye-popping histo-labs and neck-breaking cadaver dissections. What is the purpose of the word “student” anyway if you don’t attend those classes that will—ehem—prepare you in your future professional career? And so, as much as we lazy students want to skip all those classes, we cannot deny the fact that we really need them—badly need them.

But hey! Not all classes will be full of boring 100+ presentation slides; there will also be some cool professors with cool ideas to make their lectures livelier. Ever attended a class where you played games all throughout? How about a whole 3 hours of lecture while standing? Or just sitting back and watch a good movie? (Although I hate the “reflection papers” after those films). And how about professors that suddenly throw firecrackers inside the room to wake you up? Haha! You will experience them once in a while, only here in medschool. The idea here is you must attend your classes regularly! Not just for signing that attendance sheet and just doze off later on. Attend them so that you will learn and discover new things. Some may be not so interesting, but they will still be helpful.

There are some students who prefer reading the books and transcriptions (lecture notes) than attend their classes, while others would prefer attending their classes then review their notes. It’s all up to the student actually if he can really handle it that way. But for me, I believe attending the classes and listening to the experts during their lectures would really make a change. Missing a class and just reading the notes after means you will be missing the key points the lecturer might have highlighted in class the transcribers may have failed to include.

So the very first thing that a student in the Medical field should learn is that Medicine is a life-long process of education. You have to keep on learning and learning, study and discover new things. It never ends with the exams and the agonizing results. Our learning journey only stops when we finally breathe our last. (Meaning until the end of our lives).

And that, my friend is my advice: If you really want o survive in medschool, attend your classes regularly. There may be times that you have to miss them for some very, very good reason, but as much as possible avoid missing the important lectures. Believe me, I have missed a couple of lectures and I regret missing them. (Of course there will also be some exceptions here, but let’s not talk about them haha).

Salam kasilasa!
Anakiluh, MD

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