A tour Around Jolo, Sulu

  Assalamu Alaykum! (Peace be with you!) I just realized... I haven't talked much about my videos about Sulu in this blog. I have a playlist which you can watch if you are interested in seeing (or maybe visiting?) my dear homeplace.  Just check it out here: JOLO, SULU PLAYLIST You can watch this instead:      Yup, that is all for today.   PS. I am mulling over the idea of transferring my blog from blogspot to wordpress...  hmmmmmm    

Life in Medschool: The Series

Assalamu Alaykum!

This would serve as my introductory post for the next series of post I plan to work on. (Don’t ask me how I can find time to work with these given the fact that I am a medstudent. It’s a top secret :D )

So what is this all about?

Well, basically it’s what this blog is supposed to be. I know, I know, this blog has a wide variety of topics from personal stories to history of Sulu, to politics and even about a cat that gave birth (no, I did not publish that one). And the author is a medstudent! And there’s so few topics about medschool! So I decided to catch up and fill in the gaps or holes or whatever was missing here: My life in medschool.

(Note: Some aspiring applicants to medschool also kept bugging me to share life in medschool, so I am giving him/her this treat.)

Again, I am not an expert in writing. Not even in blogging: I do have lots of blogs with full of grammar and typo errors. I have long accepted those facts and so sorry to disappoint you guys :( But in sha Allah (God willing) I will try my best to share some experiences I and some of my friends’ had in medschool: What to expect, how things work, How to prepare for exams, how to eat lunch secretly in class, how to keep your eyes open while actually dozing off on a boring lecture… and many more.

Those things that we could consider somehow significant and worth a post will be posted here. Something to inform those who are really planning to enroll medschool to already change their mind and save their hopes and dreams, I mean, no, erase erase… To give you guys an idea on how we, despite the pressure and everything, can still survive and be humans :D (Oh, I hope that one statement went well)

So, what would I expect from you guys? (Come on, let’s make it interactive, not just me talking here).
I hope some of you (who got lost in the world wide web) would share your ideas, post your comments below, or email me your suggestions or complaints, rest assured that we, my team (which is composed of a single person now typing these words here) will work on them. My new email address for non-professional, non-academic purposes is anakiluhmd@gmail.com

By the way, all posts with “Life in Medschool” or LIMS will have a Tag-Title of “LIMS: Topic” Example: “LIMS: The Books you need”, etc. I will also include a short info if the post would be helpful for which learning unit (LU) or year level. For the list of future posts under this section, you can just click the tag: LIMS.

I am pretty excited for this, how about you ?

Have a great day ahead! Salam kasilasa!
Anakiluh, MD


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