A tour Around Jolo, Sulu

  Assalamu Alaykum! (Peace be with you!) I just realized... I haven't talked much about my videos about Sulu in this blog. I have a playlist which you can watch if you are interested in seeing (or maybe visiting?) my dear homeplace.  Just check it out here: JOLO, SULU PLAYLIST You can watch this instead:      Yup, that is all for today.   PS. I am mulling over the idea of transferring my blog from blogspot to wordpress...  hmmmmmm    

Back to Pediatrics, Autism Week, and a New Halal place!

Assalamu Alaykum! (Peace be upon you all!)

We are back in the colourful world of Pediatrics after a week of break with the second half of Pharmacology module. After the nerve-racking exam last Friday, it was indeed a welcoming relief to see the colourful walls in the OPD Pediatrics with all those Disney characters all around. And of course, the cheerful smiles of our angelic patients never fail to keep our days brighter as well.

Pediatrics wall wallpaper disney Toys story
The colorful walls in the OPD-Pediatrics
There are more better photos of Disney Princess somewhere.

Case Conferences and Higher learning!

This week we had two case conferences, a lecture on complementary feeding (where our professor gave us chocolates! Yeay!) and lots and lots of Out-Patient exposure! Our rotation of 12-hour duties in the Pediatric Emergency Department (Pedia ER) are also being wrapped up for this last two weeks of our training in this department. This Friday my group will have our second and last 12-hour duty :) Pretty looking forward to it and learn more things, in sha Allah (I might publish a post about “what to prepare for ER Duty”)

Chocolates Complementary feeding Malnutrition
Free chocolates during the lecture on Complementary Feeding!
Hooray! (we have to stay awake in return though ahaha)
We talked about Malnutrition while feeding ourselves with these.

This week I also learned more about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cerebral Palsy, and a bit about how to classify the severity of malnutrition of a child and on computing their Caloric Requirements as well. It was also great to see one of our very first “Mother-Doctor” in the college. Dr. Moral was the one who handled our “hand-group” during our first year in proper medicine wherein we talked about the wonderful art of Medicine and about our dreams and careers as well.

The Forever-mates with Dr. Moral

Photo grabbed from Karl :)

Autism Awareness Week!

Every last week of January, the Autism Awareness Week is being held nationally. Just recently I read about something like a “March of Angels” held somewhere in the metro in support of this awesome advocacy. You see, the cases of ASD (Autism) are increasing in number these days, and the wrong perception of most of us is that Autism is already a “dead end". That it’s the end of life of the kid with Autism. This is ultimately wrong. There may be no cure to Autism yet, but it is not a lethal, “death-sentence” per say. The child with autism can still live long and happy, provided appropriate supports are given and his/her problems are addressed.

In line with this as well, the Department of Pediatrics held a Bazaar and Autism Exhibit. There were booths wherein accessories, toys, bag-tags, bags, and even cookies that were PERSONALLY HAND-CRAFTED/CREATED by children with Autism were being sold. Some of their paintings were also put in display (and boy, some of them can paint way better than me! Haha)

The Paintings by kids with autism are in the background.
We were just looking at this map (not made by the children LOL) haha.
Pose pose! (bought some awesome tasting cookies!)

A new Halal Place!
Alhamdulillah! We also discovered a new Halal restaurant near our school. It’s some 5-10 minute walk from PGH. I brought my friends there earlier today and they oh so loved the foods! Haha! They sell authentic Halal cuisines ranging from 55 to 120 Php. You can choose from a lot of foods inspired from Malaysian, Indonesian, Pakistani, and of course Tausug Cuisine!

Halal Food cuisine Malaysian
Gayyah's Pagkaunan Halal restaurant :)
It's in Del Pilar Street near Pedro Gil side and
just in front of the Musallah in Mabini.

The name of the Restaurant is “GAYYAH’s PAGKAUNAN Halal Restaurant”. I haven’t tried all the foods and I am planning to interview the owner (or at least the one in-charge), and see if I can come up with another post (review?) about this place. It’s pretty clean and the servers (I refrain in calling them waitresses, coz they're really not haha) are very kind :)

Their SATTI and TIYULA’ ITUM are so delicious! @_@ Both costs around P65-75 each. They also have “Budget meals” (with 1 cup rice, 1 meat-viand, 1 vegetable viand and free glass of juice and tiyula’ itum soup) for only P55!
delicious food Tausug satti tiyula itum
Top: Satti
Below left: Tiyula' itum, Below right: Their Budget meal.
(Photo from Buddy Denzy :)

This might be the new place I will keep on visiting and bringing my friends to, especially those who really want to try our Halal foods :)
Food trip with classmates
Yeah, it's them again. We are not "Forever-mates" for nothing huh?
They really loved the foods by the way! ^_^
(Though most of what we ordered were
actually Non-Tausug foods! LOL)

Photo grabbed from Karl :)
Still need to work harder

Another realization I had this week (again) is the fact that I STILL HAVE A LOT TO IMPROVE ON. I am still not as good as my group-mates in organizing my data and reporting my findings; And I still do not know a lot more of the cases we meet in the OPD -_-. I really have to push myself even harder to be better, in sha Allah. I chose this path knowing that it won’t be easy. So I should never be disillusioned by the number of free time I am having right now (well compared to last year in HelLu4).

Speaking of working harder… there are really times that the struggle to stay awake in class is very, very hard to handle -_- specially when you are post-duty and the room is soooo cooold!

Sleeping at school

Hmm well, I think that’s all for the update on my Life in Medschool Series :) Hope you all guys a re doing well! Salam kasilasa!

PS. I am having some free time thanks to the pretty-benign schedule this week haha. I have to keep it productive though. Have to force myself to read and study some cases even though we don’t have an end-of-rotation exam. I wonder if I can really put these words into action though -_-

Again, Salam Kasilasa!



J. Hess said…
Seems like you're a pretty busy soul! I enjoyed reading this entry! I see a passionate future pediatric MD in you. Inshallah!

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